I am in possession of the diploma Zorg en Welzijn niveau 2 (Health and Welfare Level 2) and I have a first aid certificate specifically aimed at children for which I attend a refresher course every year. I also regularly attend training evenings and read literature related to my profession. I work with a Child Observation System called Stap voor Stap and with the early educational program Kiki, Kansen in Kinderen (opportunities for children).
As a childminder I have to meet the requirements put in place by the GGD, Gemeentelijke gezondheidsdienst (municipal health care service). They regularly and unexpectedly visit to check whether safety in my home is still up to their standards.
Following this visit a report is made which is registered in the Landelijk Register Kinderopvang (National Register Child Care). Due to my registration in the LRK you are entitled to kinderopvangtoeslag (childcare allowance provided by the government). Both myself and my family are in possession of a VOG, Verklaring Omtrent Gedrag (certificate of good conduct, a legal document).
The childcare agency which I work with has set up an educational policy plan that I fully support. This educational policy plan can be obtained via Gastkind in Bergen op Zoom.